Saturday, January 30, 2010

SEO Optimization With Comments

lo5t have written previously how to increase page rank, by the way often comment on blogs other friends.
Of course when we make the article would hope that our article will enter the top ten Google with certain keywords. Well, what is meant by this comment seo optimization is, how do we optimize our articles in order to enter our target. But the way we used to optimize is a lot to comment on other blogs, especially blogs dofollow. But that does not mean blogs can not optimize nofollow.

It's easy optimization seo with this comment. When we visited the blog neighbors, do not just search for shoutmix. but also to provide comments on one of their posts. Be great if we comment on blogs dofollow blogs. When we give a comment, select the profile as "name / url". content "name" with your name and "url" the url posting one would you want to optimize. let name = lo5t / url =

so from now on do not just search for shoutmix, but also the content of comments. In addition to optimize seo can also strengthen friendship. Or maybe also get award for top commentators.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

What is PageRank and How to Improve?

PageRank (PR) is often used as a benchmark of success of a site on the internet. Many people are so happy if his site has a high PageRank (so am I). What if the PageRank of their site down? People will be so disappointed (so was I), but there are some people who do not care at all with the PageRank of their sites.

PageRank is doing? PageRank term was first coined by one of the founders of Google, Larry Page. At first, the term PageRank is used by Larry Page to mention permeringkatan system links a site. At that time, he found the fact that not all links in web pages are created equal. There is a link that is more important than other links. Larry Page provides more value to links from important sites such as MSN or Yahoo.

He argues that the site links contained in the important sites are considered more important than at sites with no link to the website is important. Picture like this, if the important sites like MSN or Yahoo include links a site on the internet, then the site automatically unpopular it becomes important.

The idea of Larry Page were eventually developed into a mathematical equation called PageRank and became the standard algorithm used by Google. Google's PageRank mneggunakan to assess whether a site on the internet is important or not. If the site is a lot of links by other sites, the site will have a high value and the site will automatically popular.

PageRank values are dianatara 0 to 10. If your site is Pagerank 0, it indicates your site has not quite popular in the eyes of Google. There are many ways that we can do to make our site PageRank value to rise, one of which is to exchange links (link exchange) like this.

How do we know how our site PageRank value? Many sites on the Internet that provides tools to learn the value of a site's PageRank, for example, is like iWEBTOOL.

Tips on Caring for your Computer Properly

Computers are no longer be separated from our lives everyday. Office work, school work, until the latest games, all capable devoured this sophisticated device. However, sometimes there are just problems that happened with our computer. Problems that occur on your computer can not be avoided by anyone. Though computer experts has experienced problems with the computer.

Maintenance done regularly can menghidarkan of damage to our computer hardware components, system crash, or loss of important data. Computer treatment regularly will also prolong the life of our computers. Therefore, there is nothing wrong if we take care of our computers properly. If there is to love your computer, then we'll take care of computer tips below!

Tips on Caring for your Computer Properly:
  1. Clean computer components from dust regularly.
    Open your computer case! But before, make sure there is no liquid and the magnet nearby. Look, if the device was filled with dust in it? If yes, immediately wash the dust using a soft brush small / medium. Make sure that the RAM, video cards, modems, sound cards, TV tuner, fan, and motherboard your computer is clean of dust.

    Avoid laying machine from a room full of dust and exposed to direct sunlight, because it can happen overheat. Put your computer in a cool place or in air-conditioned room. Then do not forget to close the monitor, keyboard, and mouse to your computer with the cover to avoid dust..
  2. Empty the Recycle Bin on a regular basis.
    If you delete a file, the file will be deleted into the Recycle Bin first, to a time when we need this file, we can still pick it up again. However, the files in the Recycle Bin still take space from your hard disk. In addition, too many files in the Recycle Bin will make our computers become slower. Well, we emptied the Recycle Bin to free up unused space. To do this, click the "Recycle Bin -> File -> Empty Recycle Bin". We also can delete files without inserting the file to the Recycle Bin, the way he is by pressing the "Shift + Delete".

    In addition to using the Recycle Bin, you can also use the Windows built facility called Disk Cleanup. How, go to "Start -> All Programs -> Acessories -> System Tools -> Disk Cleanup". After that, select the drive you want to clean! So we can see the total memory that can be cleaned. Check settings on the options to be deleted, then click "OK".
  3. Close unused programs.
    The more programs running, then the computer's performance will be slower. In the end, this will shorten the life of our own computers. We also can check your computer's performance by running heavy programs, then run the Task Manager and click the Performance tab, and then look at the performance of CPU Usage and PF Usage. The more heavy programs running, then the value of CPU Usage and PF Usage will further increase.
  4. Install antivirus
    Viruses are annoying, sometimes even viruses make us have to reinstall the computer. This course will take a lot of time and can even shorten the life of our hard disk. Fortunately, the virus can be overcome obstinacy with antivirus programs. Therefore, install the antivirus program is on your computer and update it with a regular program to prevent the spread of new viruses.
  5. Use a stabilizer or UPS.
    UPS serves to give us a little time when the electricity suddenly dead. so that we can immediately close the running programs, save documents and shut down your computer. If no UPS, use the stabilizer to stabilize the ups and downs of electricity. Electricity is not stable can shorten our computer age.
  6. Run screensaver.
    CRT monitors use a phosphor to display images. If the CRT monitor displays the same image for a moment, then phosphorus will light continuously. This can cause problems on the monitor, which makes the picture becomes dim / less clear. Therefore, turn on the screensaver. Others as if our computer monitors are LCD type monitor, because the LED was already equipped with energy saving, the screensaver is not really needed anymore.
  7. Do defragment.
    Defragment function is to compile the files back so that when doing the read / write, disk workload will be lighter. When running this function, there must be no programs running, because it would disrupt the defragment process, even if it was just a screensaver. Defragment also should not be done too often, because when setting the file, the file can erode the hard disk.

Understanding Computer Viruses

Basically, a computer virus is a computer program that has the ability to reproduce itself by inserting a program into another file. Much like a biological virus, computer viruses can spread quickly on the files in a computer, or even infect other files on your computer, either through a network or through the activities of file exchange. In the past we know the target distribution based on spreading the virus, which boot sector viruses and file viruses. Boot sector virus is designed by the manufacturer to infect the boot sector, which is part of a storage media (floppy disks, hard disks) who first read by the operating system while the media is accessed. Once the storage media are infected by the virus of this type is used for booting, the virus had settled in memory and ready to infect other storage media used in the same computer. Later, the boot sector virus developing into a more virulent type, which is known as viral partition (partition table). Is part of the partition table on the hard disk that stores data CHS (cylinder / head / sector) which serve as guidelines for the operating system to perform the reading process. Once this section leburkan destroyed by the virus, then the disk would no longer be read and all the data in it was floating. Meanwhile, the virus files works by inserting the program in a file. Previously, when using the DOS operating system is still widespread, this type of target viruses are executable files, ie, whose name ends with the extension. COM or. EXE. In addition to transmission, the virus files often add certain commands to the source code of ditularinya. These viruses generally have a character as a "time bomb", where the virus program will do the action at certain times which have been determined by the programmer. "Action" this can vary, ranging from mild such as displaying a message and sounds the speakers, to perform destruction by deleting data, or even reformat your hard disk! Later, when the use of Windows-based programs began to bloom with a wide variety of features, then we go back to know a new virus types, macro viruses ie. Macro is a series of orders - orders in similar programming language - which provides software that allows users to construct a series of specific jobs. Series of commands will be executed at once by the software when the macro is run. Macro facility is useful for enabling users to do the steps sequentially and repeatedly. Unfortunately, this facility eventually misused by ignorant hands to create a macro that contains the transmission of commands and even the destruction! Type famous macro virus is a virus that WordMacro specially made to infect the data files from word processing software Microsoft Word (berekstensi. DOC). The virus of this type have up to thousands of variants with various kinds of interference. Starting from the only display a message at certain times, to make the destruction of files. Viruses classified as a variant WordMacro most
 much as the code-the code that is easy to modify. In addition, learn macros in MS Word is not that difficult to learn Assembly language or C (programming language often used to create a virus program).

addition in terms of viruses such as noted above, we also know the program called Trojan Horse (Trojan Horse). Trojan Horse is not a virus in real terms, because the program does not have the ability to reproduce itself into other programs. However, this program is no less dangerous when compared to a computer virus program. Trojan Horse is generally packaged in the form of an interesting program. But the appeal behind the software, other hidden functions to do the destruction. Computer users who get these files are going to come in to run it. As a result of fatal, because then the users have the routines meenjalankan ready to spread destructive disaster in the computer. Another source of disaster similar to the virus (but not dikatagorikan as viruses) are worms. Common worm spreads via e-mail, the form of a small program that diattachkan on an e-mail message. Users who are interested will run the program. Furthermore, predictably, the program will perform the action. Worms will multiply by sending the file automatically via attachment to every address in the address book in an e-mail software victims. Generally not a destructive worm, however, resulted in aggravation in addition to the victim, the worm attacks can be very dangerous for the mailserver. Worm outbreak caused mailserver workload soared up can affect performance. Generally shaped worm executable file (berekstensi. EXE datau. SCR), which is attached (attach) to the email. However, there are several types of worms in the form of scripts written in Visual Basic (VBScript). Worm attack this type of software in particular is an e-mail Microsoft Outlook Express.

Today, a variety of software already available in the market as an antidote to a virus attack. These programs typically work by scanning (scan) a file and match it to the characteristics of existing viruses in its database. Another part of the anti-virus program is a permanent program (resident) in the computer memory. This section serves to monitor the activity on the read-write storage media for the presence of "anomalies" that may be caused by a virus. Not all viruses can be removed by the anti-virus. Some types of viruses do overwriting (overwrite) the file ditularinya. Virus infected files of this type is impossible to be repaired.
Some types of viruses diracang to defraud the programs that have anti-virus today. The virus of this type include the type of stealth and polymorphic. Virus type stealth (stealth) to trick the system works as if a file is in normal condition so that the virus was not detected by antivirus programs, despite the fact that the file has been infected. Meanwhile, polymorphic-type virus capable to change the character every time infecting a file. With the always changing itself, the virus programmers hope to complicate anti-virus makers to recognize the characteristics of the virus product. Some types of viruses use a combination of both these techniques are then classified as type virus hybrid (mixture). However the war between the virus makers with antinya makers will continue. Clear the virus makers are always one step ahead, while anti-virus makers do not want to be left to continue researching and making antidotes for new viruses. Today at least 200 new viruses appear each month. There are suspicions that circulated among computer users that the actual anti-virus makers are precisely "conspired" with the virus programmers to increase sales of its products, but so far these allegations have not been proven true.

As a computer user, there are several steps we can do to prevent our systems from virus threats as well as adverse effects that cause:
1. Install Anti Virus on your system as front-line protection, use of anti-virus is mandatory. There are many anti-virus that circulated in the market today. Some of them are reliable enough McAfree VirusScan ( and Norton Anti Virus (

2. Database update anti-virus program regularly Hundreds of new viruses appear each month. Always try to update the database of anti-virus program you use. Latest database can be viewed on the company website maker anti-virus program you use.

3. Be careful before starting a new file Perform first scan with anti virus before running a file obtained from the download on the Internet or copy from others. If you are accustomed to using e-mail facilities, take care of each receive an attachment in the form of executable files. Be aware that files berekstensi: *. COM, *. EXE, *. VBS, *. SCR, *. VB. Do not be fooled to directly open it before scanning with anti-virus software.

4. Suspect in case of anomaly in your system
Decline in system performance dramatically, especially during the reading operation / writing files on the disk, and the emergence of problems in the software can be operated as an indication that the system has been infected by the virus. Be careful!
5. Backup your data regularly these tips may not directly save your data from virus threats, but it would be very useful if a virus when actually attack and destroy the data on your computer you use. At least in these conditions, you will not lose all the data you have previous backups.
6. Avoid sharing files or folders if you do not need to really, also do not ever share your hard drive C: or that there is the system.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Learn about Windows 7.part 1

Windows 7 has new features to facilitate the actual use of windows itself 7. Of the many features you may not know how to run, operate, or simply where the location of these features. Lots of windows 7 tips that most users might not know.

1. Keyboard shortcuts
-Alt + P
Show / hide the Explorer preview pane
-Windows Logo + M
Displaying tool gadgets-window in front of the window that is showing.
-Windows Logo + + (plus key)
Zoom in
-Windows Logo + - (minus key)
Zoom out
-Windows Logo + Up
Maximise window
-Windows Logo + Down
Minimise window
-Windows Logo + Home
Minimise / maximize all windows except the currently open window

2. Save battery power
How click Start type "Power Options" without the quotes and then click Power Options plihan then click Change Plan Settings for your current plan and plih Change Advanced Settings. Here you can configure and optimize the use of your laptop battery

3. Laptop Battery Information
If you use a laptop, you can use the program to display information about power consumption of your battery. Do I click start type in "cmd" without the quotes, if the icon has appeared cmd and plilih right click Run as administrator then type in "powercfg-energy" without the quotes and press Enter. Windows 7 will scan your computer system with the aim to find ways to save your battery power. Then windows 7 create HTML report files (web based) after that windows will tell where this file is placed usually in place in the folder \ Windows \ System32.

4. First-aid troubleshooting
If the windows there are 7 errors or problems, and you do not know what causes it, maybe you can try, click control panel> Find and fix problems (or 'Troubleshooting'). Here are some guidelines for finding and restoring the existing errors on your windows 7. here also can see your windows settings, and also clean up a system of files that are not needed.

5. Recording Computer Error gradually
Maybe you mempuyai friends or relatives who know about the ins and outs of your computer or good at computer things. Then there mempuyai problems or errors on your computer but you do not know how to describe a computer error that happens to your friends.

Actually there are ways that these errors are analyzed and recorded by pertahap phase windows 7 uses Problem Steps Recorder program. Way, if you start your computer problems or errors when you run windows 7 you can click on the Start type PSR, Enter and then click Record.

After that, Problem Steps Recorder will record every click, the keyboard that you type, and taking screenshots, and the last to make some type of file with MHTML reports that are automatically created which had 1 file in zip (compress). You can send a zip file by e-mail to your friend the good computer.

6. Creating crash dump file
Windows 7 will not create report file software or hardware damage (memory.dmp) if you only have a capacity under 25 GB hard drive. This will be a problem if you want to know the damage your software or hardware through memory.dmp report file. But do not worry at least 25 GB feature can be disabled by clicking Start, type "REGEDIT" without the quotes and browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ CrashControl then create a new DWORD file named AlwaysKeepMemoryDump and set to 1.

7. Resource monitor
If you feel the windows 7 works more slowly than usual may be a program error, crash, hang or programs which consume a lot of memory or your CPU. usually you can see the program error / crash in the Task Manager, but in Windows 7 you can also view program information error / crash in the Resource monitor, how to click Start and type RESMON Enter.

In the Resource Monitor (Resmon) can practically upgradenya version of Task Manager. Because you can Resmon process mengalisa of a program under way in windows 7. If the program is a program in the analysis of error Windows 7 will tell how how how mereparasinya. The way the program right click on the suspect to make the program crash / error click Analyze Process.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Change the Location of the Application Program Files in Windows

Some of our application programs installed on windows operating system will usually be stored in "program files" means we install the application programs in one partition with windows operating system. "There is no crack ivory" means here is that even though windows is the operating system most widely used and most popular for the PC user mania does not mean a trouble-free windows. Many cases which cause us to have to reinstall windows like the file is corrupt. So if you reinstall windows means that we also need to install some applications that come intalasi lost during the process because the application programs are on one partition with windows. In order for the application programs are not lost during the installation of windows we can turn the place into intalasi process of keeping the other partition. The following way:

  • Open the Registry Editor

    Start  Run (type regedit) OK / enter, after looking up the registry editor  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \  Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Setup.

  • Create a String (REG_Z) New.
     * Klic right on the right window of the Registry Editor window select "New   String Value"
     * Give the name "SourcePath"
  • Double click the new string, then the value type of data storage as you wish such as "D \: Installation"
  • Restart / Reboot your PC
SPEED bootin
g The speed of booting a PC is usually determined by several factors, including the specification of a PC (processor, RAM, etc.), compatible least some hardware support and how many programs installed. If we are convinced with the performance of our PCs, but still a long boot time too and we want to increase the speed bootingnya, follow the trick below
    Open the Registry Editor  
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet001 \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory   Management \ EnablePrefetcher.
    Double click "EnablePrefetcher" which is on the right of the windows registry editor, change the value   to[5]
    Restart / Reboot your PC and see results

    The most damaging viruses by Microsoft

    A new virus is found, and classified by Microsoft as the most destructive! The virus was only discovered on Sunday afternoon
    then by McAfee, and have not found a vaccine to beat.
    This destructive virus Sector Zero from the hard disc, which stores the function of important information. The virus is running as follows:
    · This virus automatically be sent to all the names in your address list with the title "A Card for You" (Une Carte Pour Vous
    or A Card For You)
    · Once the virtual card is opened, the virus that would freeze the computer so that the user must begin again; if you press
    CTRL + ALT + DEL or a command to restart, the virus that will damage the Boot Sector Zero from the hard disk, so the hard disk will be permanently damaged.
    According to CNN, the virus was in a few hours had caused panic in New York. This warning has been accepted by Microsoft's own employees.
    Do not open e-mail with the title "A virtual card for you" (Une Carte Virtuelle Pour Vous or A Virtual Card For You).

    Tone Control Digital

    The circuit will I make here is a series regulator Volume, Bass, and Balance Trable Digital (Tone Control). The core of this circuit is an output of IC Manufacturing Maxim MAX5406 type, as for this IC is an audio processor that is equipped with a tap switch interface for Tone Control setting above. The circuit scheme is as follows

    The scheme above uses very little supporting components and this can be made with a mini size for only a matchbox and even if it uses all SMD components can be reduced in size by half for this time I will only give a simple layout made, following picture:

    Figure below shows the layout of the circuit components of the digital control tone

    Thursday, January 7, 2010

    How to Format a Hard Disk and Re-Installing Windows or Linux OS

    Tips and How to Format a Hard Disk and Re-Re-Installing Windows or Linux OS on Computer PC / Laptop - Technical Guidelines

    Problems that are fatal and severe could happen anytime and anywhere regardless brands and price computers pc / laptop you. Sometimes the computer does not get into windows due to many things such as a virus, boot files missing, bad sectors, slow computer, the computer hangs often, the wrong settings and various other problems.

    A. Step and Repeat Step Hard Disk Format

    1. Back up your important files on your hard drive because the format will erase all existing files on your hard drive. If you have a cd-rw drive or dvd-rw drive can burn your files into a cd or dvd. Another way is to flash backup disks, floppy disks, zip disks, move the files to a network lan network or the Internet on a computer or other servers and others.

    2. After the next backup is to create a windows boot disk / rescue disk in the floppy diskette 1.4 MB. It aims to floppy boot disks directly to your hard drive is not over. Term you will use microsoft os dos existing on the disk that you created.

    3. Change Bios Settings
    When you turned on your computer should look straight into the bios to set boot order options. How new computer turned on when you press and hold the delete button until the bios appear on your computer screen. Change the boot sequence with the first sequence a floppy disk.

    4. Format Hard Disk
    After bios changed and you insert disks disave then restart your computer. Later your computer will automatically boot from the floppy disk and select the boot without cd-rom that can boot more quickly. Once entered into a command prompt: type in format c: and press enter. Adapted to the amount of your existing partitions. If you have 3 partitions plus the fruit is the format command d: and format e:. Tips and how to partition the hard disk you can probably find the search box on the left page of this article. If the format has been named selsesai drive your taste. If all goes well settled and then re-formatting process is complete. Now your hard drive to be like new again.

    B. Step and Repeat Step Install Windows and Linux OS

    1. Install Windows 98 / 2000 / ME / XP / Vista / Linux
    The first step in re mengistall computer operating system on your pc or laptop is to reboot your disk and select cd-rom support devices. After the exit command prompt and then you enter your os installation cd match your tastes. Then search for cd-rom drive or dvd-rom you by typing d: or e: and so forth based on location or dvd drive cd rom you. Once you see and then locate the file setup.exe with the command cdnama folfer to enter into folders. Command cd .. to back one folder level. or dir command dir / w or dir / p to see the list of available files in that folder. If you've met then run setup.exe or install.exe by typing the name of the file and press the enter key once. The next step you just follow the instructions on the installation cd or dvd os.

    2. Setting the Boot setting in the Bios
    After re-install windows or linux is finished, then remove the floppy disk you flopyy 1.4 and went back to the bios menu after restarting again. Select the IDE-0 as the first boot. You are setting a floppy can be booted both and cd-rom to boot the third. You are free to decide according to your desire. After the restart replay.

    3. Install Drivers and Software
    If you've made it into the display windows or linux first, then you nginstall drivers for sound cards, printers, scanners, data cable, and so on according to the existing hardware. You must seek and have their own drivers. Each type of computer has a different driver. Usually you will be given driver cd when you buy a computer or other hardware. Without the drivers the equipment connected to a laptop or pc computer can not run properly.

     good luck.
    by :

    Key Digital circuit scheme using a password

    LS7220 is a MOS digital lock circuit. When wired to a ten-digitkeypad, the circuit will recognize one four-digit combination out of a possible 5040 combinations. The LS7220 is configured with the features required for an Automotive Ignition Anti-Theft Digital Lock (See Figure 5). These
    features include Sense input which enables the IC, Save Memor for Valet Parking, Convenience Delay to maintain Unlock condition for short term interruptions of the Sense input and Save Status and Lock Status outputs which can be used for direct drive of LED indicators.

    following simple example the use of LS 7220 as Electronic Combination Lock

    Key Digital Circuit Scheme Using a Password

    List komponen Electronic Combination Lock
    • C1 1uF/25Vr
    • C2 220uF/25V
    • R1 2.2K
    • Q1 2N3904 NPN Transistor 2N2222
    • D1 1N4148 Rectifier Diode
    • K1 12V SPDT Relay, Any appropriate relay with 12V coil
    • U1 LS7220 Digital Lock IC
    • S1-S12 PST Momentary Pushbutton
    • HD1 12 Position Header

    Rangkaian Kunci Digital Ber-password is the circuit diagram of a simple electronic combination lock usingLS 7220. Rangkaian Kunci Digital Ber-password Password Digital can be used to activate a relay for controlling (on & off) any device when a preset combination of 4 digits are pressed.The circuit can be operated from 5V to 12V.

    To set the combination connect the appropriate switches to pin 3,4,5 and 6 of the IC through the header.As an example if S1 is connected to pin 3, S2 to pin 4 , S3 to pin 5, S4 to pin 6 of the IC ,the combination will be 1234.This way we can create any 4 digit combinations.Then connect the rest of the switches to pin 2 of IC.This will cause the IC to reset if any invalid key is pressed , and entire key code has to be re entered.

    When the correct key combination is pressed the out put ( relay) will be activated for a preset time determined by the capacitor C1.Here it is set to be 6S.Increase C1 to increase on time.

    For the key pad, arrange switches in a 3X4 matrix on a PCB.Write the digits on the keys using a marker.Instead of using numbers I wrote some symbols!.The bad guys will be more confused by this.

    Wednesday, January 6, 2010

    Digital Watch

    Digital hours to make this not too difficult. This series is not my original project, I trace the series of files and program from the internet, there is no chance the program listing. After I download the file to its hex-hour direct way. This clock only displays hours and minutes, to seconds However you can install the led associated with a series of I Hz oscillator formed from IC 555 (which I do, because I do not know the program listing), 2 led in parallel and installed as a bookmark seconds. Led to two installed in the middle of the hours and minutes. Although with the way that seconds and minutes if observed (calculated) decline slightly but I'm not the problem, Moreover people will not know about it. Digital hours following scheme:

    cirkuit digital watch 
    To me its PCB design itself, of course are still using my favorite software, PCB designer. Next the PCB layout (look up) :

    PCB Layout

    facebook history

    My friends all must have known that his name facebook, although among all my friend there who do not have facebook. "Missed it deh no". I am here not to discuss my friend got it or not, but I wanted to share information about its history Facebook. before this information I can blog pal. Well I also wanted to share all of the information ..
    Facebook is a social networking website or friends where the users are able to infinite city communities, workplaces, schools, and regions from any touch each other, such as Friendster similar sites, we can menapilkan profile and upload our personal photos.

    Facebook itself was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard graduate and former Ardsley High School student was first diluncurankan on 4 February and initially only for students of Harvard College. but its membership expanded to other schools in the Boston area (Boston College, Boston University, MIT, Tufts), Rochester, Stanford, NYU, Northwestern, and all schools are included in the Ivy League.

    And finally Facebook menajdi thenar Many other universities are further added in succession within one year after its release. Finally, the people who have a university email address (such as. Edu,., etc.) from around the world can also join this site.

    The development of Facebook itself is not without obstacles "to the highway traffic jam aja". Facebook had been banned and blocked in some countries. example of Iran and Syria, in iran facebook is blocked on the basis of a campaign that will be faced by iran they think facebook as one of the capital meraka campaign. and some of the workplace so that workers do not abuse their work time to open Facebook. And the issue of allegations that Zuckerber stealing code from other programs to make themes for Facebook.
    alexa rank menerut facebook first ranked sites most visited in Indonesia. And the number one site for photos in the United States, surpassed other public sites such as Flickr, with 8.5 million photos uploaded every day.

    Facebook received with an initial investment of U.S. $ 500,000 in June 2004 by PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel. This is a year later followed by $ 12.7 million in business capital from Accel Partners, and $ 27.5 million more from Greylock Partners. A leaked the cash flow statement shows that for fiscal year 2005, Facebook had a net loss of $ 3.63 million.

    With the sale of the social networking site MySpace to News Corp. on July 19, 2005, rumors surfaced about a possible sale of Facebook for larger media companies. Zuckerberg has said he would not sell the company, and rejected rumors otherwise. On March 28, 2006, BusinessWeek reported that the potential acquisition of Facebook in the negotiations. Facebook reportedly declined an offer of $ 750 million from an unknown bidder, and he asked rumored price increases as high as $ 2 billion

    optimize windows: the safe way

    Have you just read somewhere that you can improve your Windows performance a bit (or a lot) by simply changing a little variable stored in the Windows registry? Reading this article instead of reaching for Regedit.exe can save you the hassle of restoring a broken system!

    Making the wrong change to a registry entry or a system file can easily break the system instead of fixing Windows or optimizing its performance. And it's neither fast nor easy to fix a broken system! So what should you do to optimize Windows performance without taking the risk of breaking it apart?
    ZeoOptimizer by ZeoBIT Software Corporation makes it safe and easy to clean and optimize Windows, fix registry errors, and clean up redundant stuff without taking any risk at all. Many benefits become possible with ZeoOptimizer, such as changing how Windows looks, works, and loads.

    Make Windows look better with ZeoOptimizer! Deep customizations of the Windows user interface are only possible by changing certain registry values, modifying system files, or running scripts from the command line. Not anymore! ZeoOptimizer makes all these changes possible from within a convenient graphical user interface. Anyone can customize Windows quickly, easily and safely by using ZeoOptimizer! With ZeoOptimizer, there is no need to tweak registry values or mess with system files. The smart Windows optimizer knows everything about your system, and can make any necessary changes without taking the risk of ruining your system.

    Windows is a great operating system, but every PC has its own bottlenecks that may be limiting its performance. ZeoOptimizer is a dedicated bottleneck removal tool that scans your system, detects factors reducing its performance, makes necessary corrections and fine-tunes system performance to ensure you are getting the most out of your PC. Examples? Here's one. Everyone's Internet connection is different, and so are the Internet settings required for pages to load quickly. Allowing images, styles, and multimedia stuff loading all at the same time would be a disaster if you used a phone line and a slow modem to connect. Vice versa, forcing your browser to load small images consecutively does little good if you're on broadband, slowing down page loading speeds. ZeoOptimizer can help you fine-tune your Internet connection and browser settings no matter whether you use Internet Explorer, FireFox, or Safari. Maximum browsing speed is just a few clicks away!

    Unlike many Windows optimizers on the market that can make Windows run faster at the expense of becoming less reliable, ZeoOptimizer can make your system run quicker and smoother at the same time. Knowing exactly what, where, and how to modify to get the most out of every system without negatively affecting its reliability is what makes ZeoOptimizer different. The innovative system optimizer fine-tunes Windows memory usage, makes registry fixes, and fine-tunes a variety of system settings to make Windows run and load faster while performing smoothly and reliably.

    Concerned with multiple temporary files stored here and there? Not every program you run takes good care of its temporary files. ZeoOptimizer is well aware of the places where temporary files are allowed, and can clean them up to free disk space and increase system performance a little bit. Run Windows registry scan and allow ZeoOptimizer to take care of redundant and abandoned registry entries, and you'll make your system not only faster, but more reliable!

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    How To Enable Regedit In Windows

    In this brief article, I want to discuss how to enable regedit in Windows. regedit.exe or regedit32.exe can be used on both Windows and real mode MS-DOS to edit the registry. Before we begin, remember that it is important to always back up the registry before you lead by the atinya.

    Windows registry is a database that stores all the settings of your operating system. In addition, the registry also tracks the kernel and runtime exposes operations such data is currently active and hardware performance counters.

    Registry consists of two important, and key. Key is very similar to a folder on your computer, and they contain subkeys. Contains the data values and stored in the key.

    The first thing you need to do to enable regedit is click Start, then Run. In the command box, type the following:

    Reg add HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System / v DisableRegistryTools / t REG_DWORD / d 0

    After hitting "OK", you will be faced with a prompt asking if you want to overwrite DisableRegistryTools value. Select "Yes", then press enter.

    Next, type the following command into the command box:

    Reg add HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System / v DisableRegistryTools / t REG_DWORD / d 0

    When finished, press "Enter" and "Yes" to be presented next to you.

    Hopefully this brief article has helped you enable regedit on your Windows machine. For most users, download and edit the registry cleaning program is safe and highly recommended.